Just this side of heaven is a place called The Rainbow Bridge...
For some dogs, the world has not been a kind place and people were not as caring as they should have been. When these dogs finally come into rescue, we love them, care for them and when we can, we place them in the most loving homes we can find.
Some dogs, though, come to us too late to be made healthy and whole. They are too sick, too broken, their needs have been ignored for too long. When there is nothing more that we can do to make the dog well or even ease the suffering, we personally hold them and tenderly help them to The Bridge.
It is our job, as rescuers, to do so.
The time will come when we, the Rescuers, will find ourselves making our way across the cool green meadows, heading up to
the Bridge...
These are the meadows and hills where our special friends can run and play together.
There is always plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable here.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks in the distance.
They will spot us coming.
Then the young pup and the older dog, lying on shaded sweet grass will be watching the reunions. Sometimes a man, sometimes a woman, sometimes a whole family will approach
the Rainbow Bridge
, and be greeted by their loving pets and cross the bridge together.
Sometimes, a very special thing happens. The young pup will playfully nip at the older one, saying, "Look! Something wonderful is happening!"
The older dog will stand up quickly and bark, "Quickly. Get over to the path."
"But that's not my owner," the pup may whine softly, but he will do as he is told.
Thousands of pets surge forward as a figure in white walks on the path towards the bridge. As the glowing figure passes each animal, that animal bows its head in love and respect. The figure finally approaches
the Bridge
, and is met by a menagerie of joyous animals. Together, they all walk over
the Bridge
and disappear.
The young pup, still in awe whispers: "Was that an angel?"
"No, son," the older dog replies. "That was more than an angel.
That was a rescuer."
-Author Unknown
Would YOU like to have a memorial for your pet that your friends and family can visit and enjoy? We do! So here is a wonderful site where your memorial with pictures and video - everything you want, will last forever. Go on and make it your own. All of us pet owners know we are choosing tears when we choose a pet - they never stay with us long enough. But the joy they bring us every day while they are here is worth the pain when God calls them home. Let me know how you like this brand new site. Proceeds go to rescues and shelters, so be generous and make something you will be proud to view for years to come.
My Lost Companion
Making Memories That Last Forever
Lynn Cooper made a donation to SAY Rescue "In memory of her beloved Melody" whom shared her life with Lynn for nearly 15 years! She is deeply missed by Lynn.

Tom and Kathy Moore lost a part of their hearts on February 4th, when they had to send one of their babies to the Bridge. Their Kirby, who has been battling PLE since October, 2016, lost his fight with the disease. He would have celebrated his 7th birthday on March 12th, so he was still a baby. Kirby was so brave and he fought so hard but the medication stopped working in his little body. May their little boy RIP until they meet again at the Rainbow Bridge. He is missed so much!

Rockabella - My Lionheart. You never knew fear, proud, loving and eager to meet new people - you never met a stranger. And how you loved to go for a ride any time! We love you now as we loved you when you demanded your own way. Dear little girl - who came to us with no teeth but that never stopped you from doing things your way. We will love you as long as memories last. Beloved girl.

Maggie and Kali - Best friends of
Adrianne Wydra and Dr. Amy Curry... we know your heart aches but memories help. A donation was made in your names by your friend Robyn Hannon. We understand the pain of losing them. God bless.
This is Kipper John -
Kipper John - You simply are the BEST!
Robyn and Chris
(sniffle sniffle....again!)
This is Tosha who just passed a few weeks ago. she was the beloved dog of Barbara O'Neill. She will be missed so much.

Rosemary's dear little Buddy. Another treasure... loved and gone to the Bridge.
This is dear, sweet, wonderful Sabrina - the most loved little girl of Kathy Moore. Kathy is a dedicated and devoted rescue worker who worked so hard to save her but God said it was time. Kathy's faith keeps her going. God bless you Sabrina!
Sparty, one of our wonderful adopted dogs, who just passed. His mom, Jackie, misses him terribly.
Tiny Trina passed to the Bridge with the care of two of our members Mary Ellen Rice and Rita Stanley. God bless her.
Goodbye Marcy May! We had you only a few short months. We miss you already. What a darling girl!
Marcy May was a brave little soul who came to us from the Animal Recue League of Reading, PA. She was found, they say, running along the railroad tracks.
The ARL would have adopted Marcy May out immediately because she was so little, so good, so sweet. A real gem.
But her owners had not done the ONE thing that all good owners should do. They had not spayed this little girl. "So what?!" people say. She didn't have puppies. "What's the big deal?"
HERE'S the BIG DEAL! SEE what NOT spaying your dog will do! We tried to save Marcy by rushing her to the University of Penn's program for mammary tumors. They removed it - but too late, too late
Marcy May only lived a few months - the cancer had spread to her lungs. The surgeons said that if she, like all dogs, had only been spayed when she was young, this tumor would not have grown.
LOOK! Look at her! And see what NOT SPAYING your dog will do! You will kill your dog by not spaying her. Don't let this happen to your little girl. SPAY! SPAY! SPAY!

This is darling Miss Sophie Mae - yes a cat. She was a rescued cat owned by Lorrie and John Bungo. They loved her very much - as we do our dogs. She was a very shy girl who finally found love. A rare and lovely family member. God rest her soul. She is with all the other animals at the Bridge.

In memory of Maddie Henry (on right), my best sister and friend, Mikey

This is Li'l Rascal Rudy. We just called him Rudy. He was one of the original Yorkies who started Save A Yorkie Rescue. He was the light of my life - my sunshine. For 14 years this 2 pound wonder slept under my chin and inspired me to help other Yorkies who had no one to love them. I will always love you Rudy. Wait for me, with Cody, at the Bridge.
This is Nemo - the beloved Yorkie of Hilda. He passed near the time that Rudy passed. We understand Hilda's grief. We are sister's in tears. Nemo is with Rudy and we will see them both -at the Bridge.
We sorrow over the passing of any animal and grieve for their loss.
We say goodbye to Melissa's Willy, adopted from us 4 years ago. He is deeply missed by all of his family. We share their loss.
  Mia would have been 14 years old but she passed to the Rainbow Bridge. We helped her when she hurt her knee. Her dear friend, Jada, the rottweiler is missing her terribly. GOD BLESS Mia!
This is Mindy. She was adopted by Rosemary Hagen and was with her from April 20 to May 23, 2012. Mindy is missed very much and Rosemary knows she will see her at the Bridge someday.
This is Tobie. He was a dear old man who came into rescue. One of our finest took him in and gave him all the love and care he needed. He was loved very much before he passed away. God bless him!
This is Bailey, beloved dog of Jen Young. She is gone to the Bridge. But her guardian is still in love with her. She was the best girl. She won't be forgotten.
His name was Rudy. He was loved very much by Kris and her mom. They know he waits at the Bridge. |
Tribute to Ryan
- Old dog - Warrior
His name was Prince Ryan when he was pulled from the New York Shelter. He was so sick we dispaired of him surviving. But his foster mom, Tammy, had no doubt that this little old man was going to make it. And make it he did - without the "Prince" in his name - he was just Ryan to her. The old dog lived with her for many years but recently, he had complications and the decision to let him go to the Bridge had to be faced. Ryan was an old dog and so many people fear them. They say they could not stand to lose a dog so soon after bringing them to their heart and home. This is what Tammy had to say - she says it for all of us in rescue:
"It is with a broken heart that I write to tell you that Ryan (with that horrible original Prince Ryan name) that I pulled from New York Animal Care and Control for you 4 or 5 years ago fostered and then adopted, passed away today. He had renal failure. He was his normal self up to a couple of days ago. It was sudden and unexpected, but better for him. As a woman said to me today when I was sobbing over deciding whether to put him down or not, "he's a warrior, let him go so he doesn't have to fight a battle he can't win". She was right and he couldn't win this battle. He would have hated being poked with needles and he was getting weaker by the hour. He had fought so many battles in the years I'd had him. He defied them every single time I was told he wasn't going to make it. He did make it, at least 10 or 12 times. I adored him more than I can say. I called him my teflon dog.
People say that the old dogs I take in are the lucky ones because I love them so much and know they can't stay that long with me, but that's not true. I'm the lucky one for getting to share their wonderful life and spirit. Please don't let people overlook the old ones. He was 10 when I took him. I wish people would see them not for the dog they were when they were young, but what they are now, with their white faces, their lumps and bumps, collapsed tracheas, dental disease and occasional ornery tempers. They're wonderful. I can only pray that some other little old fogey with a loving heart and no home finds me again someday."
Tribute to Little Blu
This is dear Little Blu. He was adored from the moment his new mom met him. He suffered with collapsing trachea for the last few months of his life. He is deeply missed by his family. They never live long enough.

Tribute to Auggie Doggie - 9/23/10 -
Auggie came to us a very very sick old dog. He had the canine flu. He was near death and we struggled to keep him alive. Finally he started to feel better and his foster mom, Jane, did her best to make him as attractive as an old dog can be made. But no one wanted a sick old dog. Only one person said, "YES!" That was Jo Noecker. She took Auggie in and gave him a wonderful home - for as long as he had left. That was 9 months. Auggie left this world on 9/23/10 and we mourn for him and for his grieving moms - Jo and Jane, who saw the wonder and joy, in an old old dog.
Tribute to Little Louie - 9/10/10
His name was
when he started with us. His new owner changed that to
"Little Louie"
and that is what we called him when she gave him back to us. Little Louie did not have much time left, but he was loved and held tenderly when his time came to cross the Bridge. Little Louie died on 9/10/10. His foster mom, Beth, was there for him when he needed her touch. God bless him in his journey.
Tribute to Sprinkles
- Sprinkles, you were abandoned in a parking lot on a rainy and cold night. We only had you for five months but we loved you dearly. We miss you and will remember you forever.

Tribute to Chanel - so brave; so suddenly taken from us.
This was our dear Chanel. She was the best friend of Aramis and was to be adopted by one of our own rescuers, Heidi Walker. But Chanel died just after surgery to remove her eye. We miss you Chanel. Aramis misses you too. God Bless You and Keep you until we meet at you at the Bridge.
Tribute to Willow -
Willow - She came to us from a shelter... friendless, starvation thin, sweet, easy... and we tried. We tried so hard to save her. Nothing we did could help Willow... she had been neglected too long. Life was agony. In the same week as Chanel, Willow went to the Bridge in the first week of June '09. God bless her and we hope she is smacking her lips over the good warm food she can now enjoy.
TRIBUTE TO Scooby aka "Ralphie"

We miss you Scooby. We tried to save you. We loved you very much. God bless and keep you!!! We will meet you at the Bridge. Wait for us and pray for us.

Cody Cody Co Co Puff - Most Fine Dog
He came to us with a broken leg as a puppy. He lived a happy life with his brothers. He passed in my arms, and I tried to be brave for him, but the tears will never be over. Cody, we loved you every minute of every day while you were with us and we will never cease to love you. Wait for us, watch for us - we'll be seeing you at the Bridge.
Thank you to the
Looking back on the memory of
the dance we shared, beneath the stars above.
For a moment all the world was right,
how was I to know that you'd ever say good bye?
And now I'm glad I didn't know
the way it all would end, the way it all would go.
Our lives are better left to chance,
I could have missed the pain,
but I'd have had to miss the dance.
Holding you, I held everything,
for a moment, wasn't I the king?
If I'd only known how the king would fall
hey who's to say, you know I might have changed it all.
And now I'm glad I didn't know
the way it all would end, the way it all would go.
Our lives are better left to chance,
I could have missed the pain,
but I'd have had to miss the dance.

We only had her for 5 short weeks but hopefully she knew just how much we loved her!
She had a slight cough when we got her that seemed to persist. So we took her to the vet and put her on antibiotics for 2 weeks and it only got worse. On Friday morning...she looked like me when I'm having an asthma attack..so I rushed her to the vet. She spent the day in an oxygen tent and an xray revealed that she had an Intra-thorasic tracheal collapse. Her windpipe gets smaller than a straw deep in her chest. Her lungs and heart were enlarged due to the struggle to get air. They were giving her injections to relax her and help open the airway. I was told that there was really nothing they could do for her! She came to us 12 years old from a one-time elderly owner who became ill with cancer. Then at 3:00 pm..they called me and told me she was doing excellent..had a great response to the meds and was out of the oxygen tent and could go home. So I picked her up with more medication and was told that this situation was "iffy"..that it is like a diabetic or an asthmatic...the meds are used to try to maintain but an attack could happen at any time. She was stable until yesterday morning....(the night time was soooo restless..like she just didn't want to lay down or sleep)...by 10 am..she was gasping coughing like a child with croup and I called Marilyn and we rushed to Marilyn's vet. Her tongue was turning blue and she still managed to give me and my supportive friend some licks on the hand. Just like that...she was on her way to the
Rainbow Bridge to be with My Bear. (My 12 year old yorkie we raised from a puppy had to be put down on September 14th.) Goodbye sweet CeCe, we loved you while we could.
He was so smart. He would remind me every night to give him his medicine, then when it was time for his bone after supper. At 5:00 every night if I hadn't started supper, he wanted to know why not and it had better be good! He expected to eat at 6:00 or before. I though I had him fooled when Daylight savings time came, but Nope, 5:00 right on the nose. Occasionally through the day, he would tell me it was time for a treat (He was usually right.)
He loved both of us, but he was Paul's dog. He used to love to chase his plastic hot dog, but as he matured, he seemed to think such silliness beneathe his dignity.
He was our first dog and got us trained eventually, to be proper Yorkie owners. I think he thought we were incredibly stupid and often had to be reprimanded.
We could make him do anything...he wanted to do. Loved to go for rides in the car and for walks in the woods.
God Bless Dusty -
Please take a moment and visit our
by clicking on our
Yorkie Angel
If you would like to add a memorial please
contact us
... God Bless
I'll lend you for a little time, a dog of mine God said.
For you to love while she lives and mourn when she is dead.
The years they may be six or ten or even as few as three.
But will you, 'til I call her back, take care of her for me?
She'll bring her charms to gladden you, and shall her stay be brief,
You'll have her lovely memories as solace for your grief.
I cannot promise she will stay, since all from Earth return,
But there are lessons taught down there I want this dog to learn.
I've looked the wide world over, in my search for masters true,
And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes, I have selected you.
Now will you give her your love, nor think the labor vain,
Nor hate me when I come to call to take her back again?
We answered in sincerity, Dear Lord, Thy will be done.
For all the joy this dog shall bring, the risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter her with tenderness, and love her while we may,
And for the happiness we will know, we'll ever grateful stay.
But shall the angels call for her much sooner than we planned,
We'll know the bitter grief that comes and try to understand.