First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
Please carefully read our adoption policies before you begin to fill out this application. Each policy is there for a good reason. We do not make exceptions to these policies. Please save your valuable time by reviewing these policies before completing this lengthy application. If you cannot comply with these policies, please do not continue.
This application should be filled out on a computer – not a telephone or tablet as it is difficult to do so on those devices.
We do not adopt to the New York City/Long Island area because there are other Yorkie rescues in that area to help you. Please contact for more information.
If you reside in any other state, please check for a Yorkie Rescue that is closer to you. We do not adopt to other states, so please be sure you live in a state that we cover before you apply. We do not want you to waste your valuable time.
If you cannot meet any of the following requirements in our policies, please STOP HERE . We cannot make exceptions. Please mark the box for each statement to indicate your understanding.
If you do not fit the criteria for the dog you are interested in adopting (ex. - needs fenced in yard, someone home all day, experienced Yorkie owner, etc...), please do not apply for that dog. You will not be considered in the process to adopt that specific dog. There are usually many different dogs on our website, please consider one that you will be able to fulfill his/her needs. You should read the dogs web pages to see what each individual dog will be happiest having in it's new forever home.
If any of your pets are intact – not spayed or neutered, we will not adopt to you.
If you have children under the age of 10 in your home regularly, we will not adopt to you. This rule exists to keep your children and the dog safe.
If you have very large dogs, it may not be safe to bring in a Yorkie. We will not adopt to you.
If you cannot or will not walk your dog several times a day, weather permitting, we will not adopt to you. Letting your dog out in the yard is not a replacement for walking.
If you allow your dog outdoors in an unfenced area - off leash, we will not adopt to you.
Brushing a dog’s teeth daily is required. If you cannot commit to brushing daily, we will not adopt to you.
If you or anyone in your home is a smoker or uses any device involved with vaping, we will not adopt to you.
Yorkies are small dogs with small bladders and they thrive with human companionship and lots of attention. If your dog will regularly be alone for 5 or more hours per day, we will not adopt to you.
If you have an in ground pool or pond that is not fenced separately from your yard, so that a dog cannot gain access to the pool or pond, we will not adopt to you.
If you have a doggie door and allow your dog to go out of the house - into a fenced in yard (hawks and other birds of prey can take your dog and someone can come into your yard and steal your dog), we will not adopt to you.
An Electric Fence/Invisible Fence is not an acceptable means of containing a dog. Large dogs and/or humans can enter the yard, and harm a small dog. We will not adopt to homes who rely on an electric fence as the means of keeping a dog in the yard.
We expect that you will have a plan for your dogs, should an emergency occur. When you MUST leave home for a few days - for an emergency hospitalization, for example – What is your back-up plan? We will ask for specific information on this application and during your interview. A back-up plan is crucial to your approval and to your own peace of mind. Does someone have a key to your home to come in and TAKE the dog into their home if you could not come home today? If not, we will not adopt to you.
If you have never had a dog in your own name and have no vet history in your name, we will not adopt to you. In order to get some experience feeding, walking and caring for dogs – we will accept a letter of reference from a shelter if you volunteer for a month. Complete that experience, send us the letter of reference from the shelter and complete an adoption application at that time.
Please write your name in the box to certify your family meets all of these requirements. *
These policies are firm. Please do not spend your time completing this application if you cannot comply with the policies as stated above. Thank you in advance. Best of luck finding the right dog for you and your family.
After your completed application and $25 application fee are received, you will be contacted for a telephone interview, a veterinarian or personal reference will be completed, and then you will be contacted for a home visit. All steps are necessary to be approved to adopt from Save A Yorkie Rescue. (Please be aware that our processing fee is NON-REFUNDABLE and does not guarantee an adoption.)
Are you applying to adopt, foster or volunteer? Please check all that apply. Please know you can begin as a foster family, and foster families often adopt their own foster dog. Choose all that apply: Adoption Fostering Volunteering
Please provide your spouse or partner's full name.
What is your age? And the age of your spouse/partner (if applicable)?*
Please list the names and ages of anyone under the age of 21 who lives in your household.
How long have you lived at your current address?*
If you have been at your current address for less than two years, please list your previous address.
Does anyone in your home smoke? We do not adopt a dog to a home with smokers. * Choose one: Yes No
What is your current employment status? If you are currently employed, please provide your employer's name. *
Do you have any health issues that would impact your ability to care for a dog? If so, please briefly explain.
Describe your daily routine and how your pets fit into your routine.*
Are you applying for a particular Yorkie on our website? Choose an animal: A Charlotte A Daphne A Deno A Destiny A Dupris A Jingle A Kandi A Kane A Mark A Maximum A Maya A Meezy A Phoenix A Smidge
What is your time frame for adopting a dog? Choose one: Immediately Now to 3 months 3 to 6 months When the right dog is available
Please be aware that the youngest, prettiest Yorkies are highly desirable and we receive many applications for them. Only one family can adopt each dog. The dog you are interested in may be adopted before your application is processed and approved. If the particular dog you are interested in is adopted before your application is approved, are you willing to consider other available dogs?
Do you have a preference for a male or female dog? Please explain why.
What age dog are you looking to adopt? If you are applying for a young dog please keep in mind that the "average" lifespan of a Yorkie is 16 years old. Please be sure you can make that kind of a commitment to the Yorkie you choose to adopt. Choose one: less than one year 1 to 3 years 3 to 8 years 8 or older doesn't matter
Do you have a size/weight preference for the dog you adopt?* Choose one: 6 to 10 pounds 11 to 15 pounds doesn't matter
Are you willing to consider our knowledge and experience in recommending a dog that will fit with your lifestyle and home?
Would you consider adopting more than one dog if there is a bonded pair available? * Choose one: Yes No
How long are you willing to wait for your dog?*
All of our dogs are currently being fostered with a family. Someone is fostering and loving the dog you want to adopt. We need loving families to foster the next dog who needs to be rescued. We hope you will foster a dog for us as a means to find your own dog. Show us you believe in rescue and what we do for our dogs. Will you consider fostering with us?
Have you ever given a dog away or surrendered a pet of yours to a shelter?* Choose one: Yes No
If yes, please explain.
Are all of your current pets spayed or neutered? *
Have you ever housetrained a dog successfully?*
Please explain how dogs get heartworm disease.*
If the dog receives heartworm preventative, what kind and when was it last given?
Do any of your current pets have any medical issues that we need to be aware of. Examples include severe allergies, diabetes, etc. Please explain.
Which member(s) of your household will feed and care for your dog?*
Where in your home will your dog spend most of it's time?*
Where will your dog sleep at night?
Will someone be home with the dog during the day and/or evening? Please explain (for example – work from home, retired, work opposite shifts, etc.).
On average, how many hours will the dog be left alone each day?
When you are away from home for a few hours, where will the dog stay while you are gone?*
If you MUST BE away from home for a few days – for an emergency like a hospitalization– where will your dog go? Who will take care of your dog? What is your plan?*
Do you own or rent your current home?* Choose one: Rent Own
If you rent, please enter your landlord's name and phone number. We will contact your landlord to confirm you are eligible to have a pet living in the property.
Please choose the type of home that best describes your current home.* Choose one: Single Family Duplex Apartment Townhouse Condominium Mobile Home Military Housing
How many floors are in your home? Many stairs could be difficult for a small dog to negotiate.
Do you have a Doggie Door in your home?* Choose one: Yes No
Does your current home have a yard?* Choose one: Yes No
If your yard is fenced, please describe the type of fence and the height of the fence. If your yard is not fenced, please state that your yard is unfenced.
Please choose the environment which best describes the community you live in. Choose one: Suburban Rural Urban
Does your home have a pool or other water feature in the yard? If yes, please describe.
If you have a pool or water feature in your yard, is it fenced separately from your yard so the dog cannot reach it? Please describe.
Do you own or rent a second property that you live in with your dog(s)? Choose one: Yes No
Please provide the address to your second property:
Does your second property meet the requirements as stated above for your primary property (doggie door, fenced, pool, pond, body of water, etc.,) and our policies that you agreed to previously on this application? Choose one: Yes No
If not, please explain:
Have you ever owned a yorkie?*
If yes, where is that yorkie now?
To feed, vaccinate, license and provide medical care for this animal, what do you anticipate spending yearly?* Choose one: $200 $300 $400 More
Can you personally afford the care for a Yorkie which can cost hundreds of dollars a year?*
Are you willing and able to deal with any medical issues which may arise during the life of your dog? We encourage you to consider pet insurance.*
How will you discipline the dog? Tell us how you would deal with unwanted behavior such as chewing dangerous items, chasing cars, etc. *
If the Yorkie you adopt is under the age of 24 months, we require that you provide the dog with professional obedience training classes. Do you agree to do so? * Choose one: Yes No
If NO, why not?
How would you react if you came home to pee and/or poop in the house?*
How long would you allow an adopted dog to adjust to you, your home and your current pets (if you have any)? If the dog wasn't adjusting, what would you do?*
Will you and/or someone else in your family walk this dog every day, weather permitting, with a harness and leash outside of your yard?
We will contact your pet’s veterinarian for a reference. Please provide your current vet’s name and telephone number. Please contact the office and give them permission to release information to us. Not doing so could delay processing of your application.
Please provide the Name, Age and Breed of All Pets in your household and currently under the care of this vet’s office. Please provide the owner’s full name under which the vet records are listed.
Please provide the Name and Breed of All Previous Pets in your household and their associated vet's name and telephone number for the past 5 years. Also include, why pets are no longer with you?
If you do not currently own a pet or have a veterinarian, you will need one. Please list the name and telephone number of the vet you intend to use. We will not contact this veterinarian.
Please provide the name and telephone number of two people who are willing to provide a personal reference for you and can provide a knowledgeable reference on your ability to care for a dog. These individuals should NOT be family members.
Please provide the name of the person or business who provides grooming for your pet(s). If you do not currently have a pet who requires grooming, tell us who will groom your yorkie.
Good nutrition is very important for our dogs. Please tell us what kind of food you currently feed or will feed, your pets.
Describe the research you have done about the Yorkshire Terrier breed? *
How big is a teacup Yorkie?*
Tell us about Yorkie dental care.
Have you applied with any other rescues or shelters?* Choose one: Yes No
Please understand that we and the other rescues you have applied to will be doing much of the same work when processing your application. Most rescues are staffed completely by volunteers. Processing applications is very time consuming. We strongly recommend you choose one rescue to work with and stick with that group until you find the right dog for you and your family. Thank you for your understanding.
I certify that all of the information provided on this application is true and correct. I certify that I am financially and physically able to care for the animal I adopt. I understand that proper food and appropriate veterinary care can be costly, and I am willing and able to assume full responsibility for those expenses. Submitting this application denotes that the information provided by me is true and correct. I understand that home checks may be made on a random basis following or prior to adoption. If, upon inspection, we find that information contained in this application is false, Save A Yorkie Rescue retains the right to deny your application and/or remove any animals adopted from Save A Yorkie Rescue from your premises, with NO REFUND of monies paid. Submitting this application is acceptance of these terms. Please remember: Save A Yorkie Rescue is not a pet store; Save A Yorkie Rescue is not a breeder. We do not supply cheap puppies to people who want a Yorkie, but cannot afford to purchase a Yorkie from a good breeder. We rescue Yorkies and Yorkie mixes of all ages, sizes and in all conditions with varied histories – some of them not very positive. The dogs that we rescue are the dogs we have available for you to adopt. Our concern first and foremost is for the needs of each dog. We hope you understand and are in agreement with this primary goal. If you are looking to help a needy yorkie, we thank you and look forward to working with you.
Please enter your full name and today’s date. Doing so certifies you have provided true and correct information on this application.*